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Each year group at The John Frost School has a yearly parents' evening. 

We time these events appropriately for each year group and their assessment calendar to provide parents with the most up-to-date academic information as possible. 

Parents Evenings also focus on students’ wellbeing and if you wish to speak to your child’s Progress Coordinator and/or Form Tutor as well as their subject teachers during the evening, this can be arranged. 

Please note that if you have a concern or query that cannot wait until your child’s parents evening, please contact the school by email or telephone. Our administrative team will pass the information on to the most appropriate member of staff who will then contact with you. 

Each year there may be specific information evenings for students in certain year groups to help support their current or next stage of education (such as our Y12 Curriculum Pathways Evening).  The dates of parents evenings can be found on the parent calendar.  

Parents' Evening information and booking links can be found here